For getting admission in class XI, the applicants should apply immediately after the class X results for the CBSE/ISCE are declared and benefits of montessori education. The applicants should fill the application form available at school’s reception, with details of the stream required i.e. Science (Medical / Non-medical), Commerce / Humanities, with the subject combinations, and must attach copy of his/her class X mark sheet or print out of his/her result available at the CBSE/ISCE’s website, duly attested by the Principal. After scrutiny of applications, list of short listed candidates is put up at the school’s reception/gates, informing the date and time of interviews and the candidate must attend the interview along with both the parents. It has since grown to be a full-fledged CBSE affiliated admission to class 11 gurgaon schools imparting quality education to over 1000 students. In the Montessori wing, growing minds between the ages of 2½ years to 6 years of age develop freely within a prepared and stimulating environment under the able guidance of Montessori trained teachers. Fully-equipped Montessori classrooms in the early years prepare the child for life, giving her/him a solid foundation for academic excellence. At the Senior Level, all three streams, namely Science (medical & non-medical), Commerce and Humanities are available to enable students to choose from a wide spectrum of pre-professional electives. what is Montessori Education Benefits: Montessori education offers our children opportunities to develop their potential as they step out into the world as engaged, competent, responsible, and respectful citizens with an understanding and appreciation that learning is for life.
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Russell Setright Naturopath
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The information on this site is for educational purposes. Always see your healthcare practitioner for diagnosis and advice of illness or accidents.
Russell is a member of the Australasian Medical Writers Association Inc. and a consultant to professional associations and industry.
The Information on this site is not influenced by any association or company and is posted independently by Russell
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